
I am a certified Real Estate professional with Savills Residential in Singapore. I will ensure in finding the "right" property for you in Singapore - whether you are an experienced investor, a first time buyer or seller or a foreigner looking to relocate into Singapore. My services cover you through the whole process - from first point of contact, relocation service, pre-arrival arrangement, finding the property, negotiating the best price, making an offer and closing the deal. I am here to help you in everything to make the best real estate decision in your life.

Thursday 25 April 2013

The Maisons - Freehold property off Braddell Road

Where exquisite living is encapsulated in a collection of two distinguished developments
两个项目 经典唯美 闪耀登场

A classic plot, a love dialogue.

Leveraging on the natural terrain of hills and valleys in the Braddell location, The Maisons are inspired by a baronial architectural style, the masonry conveying enduring strength and resilience. The terraced levels, lavish amenities and contemporary interiors provide a balance of modernity and timeless tradition.
The scented woods, pleasure gardens and verdant avenues act as the perfect counterpoint to the classic elegance of stone, creating a landscape that is contiguous with a bygone era of romance and eminence.
A love nest for newlyweds, a home for your first child, or a space for a larger family to enjoy. The Maisons are designed to accommodate all your needs. Choose from cozy one-bedroom apartments, deluxe lofts for cosmopolitan style, or exclusive penthouses with a kitchenette on the upper floor for perfect privacy and convenience. The Group’s main directive for The Maisons are livable, family-centric layouts that complement the various life stages of the homeowner.

Loft at R Maison / E Maison

For the privileged few, the lofts at The Maisons are the ultimate in cosmopolitan living. With a private porch, feature walls and an unparalleled view with maximum privacy, one of the loft apartments will be the jewel in your crown of success.


The Maisons坐落在布莱德区,静雅大方仪态万分。受宏伟建筑的启发,The Maisons以精妙的石制建筑体勾勒出持久和坚韧,召唤时代感。露台上大片绿景设施和室内现代的摩登设计,体现着现代性平衡和永恒传说。
The Maisons设计考虑周全,满足各种需求。这里适合新婚燕尔建立新居,适合小家庭迎接新成员,也适合三代同堂共聚天伦之乐。 这里户型多样,有温馨的一居室公寓,有双倍容积的时尚公寓,也有私人露台的豪华顶层复式。我们团队的宗旨是为您打造舒适宜居、经典时尚的爱之家。

